Docente de la FIUNA publica un artículo de investigación en Atena Editora

Prof. Dr. Ing. Roberto Rojas Holden, docente de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción (FIUNA), publicó un artículo de investigación en la revista especializada de Investigación en Ingeniería «Atena Editora» denominado «NEW CONTRIBUTIONS REGARDING THE MECHANISM OF ADHESION AND STRENGTH IN TRADITIONAL CERAMICS».

El mismo es un trabajo realizado en la FIUNA con la colaboración del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología, Normalización y Metrología (INTN), la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la UNA, la Facultad Politécnica de la UNA, Yguazú Cementos y la Universidad de Tulsa – USA.


The research project will allow to understand the operation of physical mechanism of clay adherence to sand during the process of kneading, drying and firing in manufacturing ceramics,  in order to lead to a contribution to the theory that explains the interactions of both phases and how they work to achieve mechanical  properties and little absorption, important requirements for the quality of these products, some of them structural. Raw material is obtained from deposits that are used to manufacture ceramics in the Western (Paraguayan Chaco)  and Eastern Regions of Paraguay and with these materials half brick test tubes  both of solid  and hollow  ceramic bricks submitted to  drying and firing temperature processes interrupting said process according to proposed temperature each 150° C up to 750° and from then on  each 50° up to 900° or 1200°C  according to the mineralogic composition of raw material, in order to continue studying macroscopically and microscopically and  validate the theoretical contribution that we seek to verify in  the aforementioned theory. Using techniques such as XRD, SEM, among others. Besides physical density tests, unit weight, bending and compression in semi-pressed solid bricks of small scale sizes in order to facilitate investigation.  In this study at least three different types of clays will be chosen, some combined to form other ceramic products and take advantage of this variation for the conclusions of this theoretical study.


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