Publicaciones de Investigaciones Prof. Dr. Raúl Gregor

Department of Power and Control Systems (DSPyC)


DSPyC is the acronym of Departamento de Sistemas de Potencia y Control (Department of Power and Control System). DSPyC is an organization under the supervision of the Engineering Faculty of the National University of Asunción (FIUNA), integrating undergraduate courses related to power electronics and control field. Thanks to its advanced infrastructure and last generation instrumentation equipment, DSPyC leads Research, Development and Innovation (R&D+i) project focused on renewable energy and power quality. These projects focused their objectives in improving the power quality of wind generation systems, hydraulic mini power plants, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and energy saving. In all cases, oriented to covering the needs nationwide.

Moreover, DSPyC provides engineering and consulting services based on the knowledge and application of cutting edge electronic technology, to address problems associated with the industrial sector mainly in implementing control technology to power electronic equipment. These devices are used on a multitude of industrial applications in energy, manufacturing, aeronautics, naval and others.

From DSPyC through FIUNA, we are convinced that Paraguay can not be dissociated from the worldwide technological advances in terms of renewable energy and power quality, and we recognize that the current energy scenario should be diversified toward sustainable technologies with proven performance, such as renewable energy and decentralized cogeneration, mainly considering the abundant, clean and unlimited renewable resources nationwide.

Head of the DSPyC
Prof. Dr. Raúl Igmar Gregor Recalde


  • Dr. Derlis Orlando Gregor Recalde
  • Dr. Yoshihico Takase
  • Prof. MSc. Jorge Esteban Rodas Benítez
  • MSc. Mario Eduardo Arzamendia López
  • MSc. David Rodrigo López León


Conference Papers

  1. R. Gregor, G. Valenzano, J. Rodríguez-Piñeiro, J. Rodas. FPGA-based Real-Time Simulation of a Dual Three-Phase Induction Motor. 16th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’14-ECCE Europe, EPE’14-ECCE Europe, Aug. 26-28, Lappeenranta , Finland.


  1. Jorge Esteban Rodas Benítez, Raúl Igmar Gregor Recalde. Concurso Latinoamericano de monografías sobre Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética – Trabajos Seleccionados. “Nuevos enfoques para la generación distribuida basados en sistemas de energía eólica y solar fotovoltaica”, Quorum Comunicação, 2013, ISBN 9788563190093.

Conference Papers

  1. J. Rodas, R. Gregor, Y. Takase, H. Moreira, “A Comparative Study of Reduced Order Estimators Applied to the Speed Control of Six-Phase Generator for a WT Applications”. 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE-IECON2013. 10-13 noviembre, 2013, Viena, Austria.
  2. R. Gregor, Y. Takase, J. Rodas, L. Carreras, A. López, “A Novel Design and Automation of a Biaxial Solar Tracking System for PV Power Applications”. 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE-IECON2013. 10-13 noviembre, 2013, Viena, Austria.
  3. J. Rodas, R. Gregor, Y. Takase. “Efficiency analysis of reduced-order observers applied to the predictive current control of asymmetrical dual three-phase induction machines”. 2nd Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE). 17-19 octubre, 2013, Munich, Alemania.
  4. V. Oleschuk, R. Gregor, J. Rodas, A. Giangreco, “Dual Three-Phase System Based on Four Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters with Synchronized Space-Vector Modulation”. 15th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. EPE’13 ECCE Europe. 3-5 septiembre, 2013, Lille, Francia.


  1. Premio del la Institution of Engineering and Technology otorgado al mejor artículo científico de investigación publicado en los últimos dos años en la prestigiosa revista internacional IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS. Predictive-space vector PWM current control method for asymmetrical dual three-phase induction motor drives. IET Electric Power Applications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2010 Page(s): 26 – 34.


  1. Raúl Igmar Gregor Recalde. The Asymmetrical Dual Three-Phase Induction Machine and the MBPC in the Speed Control. Book ” Induction Motors – Modelling and Control,”. ISBN.: 978-953-51-0843-6.

Conference Papers

  1. R. Gregor, J. Rodas. “Speed Sensorless Control of Dual-three Phase Induction Machine based on a Luenberger Observer for Rotor Current Estimation”. 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE-IECON2012. Oct 25-28, 2012, Montréal, Canada.
  2. J. Rodas, R. Gregor. Impact of Magnetic Saturation on the Model-based Predictive Control for Asymmetrical Dual-three phase Induction Machine: Sensitivity Analysis. Power Conversion Intelligent Motion (PCIM). 11-13 Sep, 2012, San Pablo, Brasil.
  3. V. Oleschuk, R. Gregor, F. Barrero. “Multiphase Multi-Inverter Drive with Discontinuous Synchronized Modulation”. 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe, Sep. 4-6, Novi Sad, Servia.

Journal Papers

  1. Barrero, F., Prieto, J., Levi, E., Gregor, R., Toral, S., Duran, M., Jones, M. “An Enhanced Predictive Current Control Method for Asymmetrical Six–phase Motor Drive”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 58, Issue 8, Aug. 2011 Page(s): 3242 – 3252.

Conference Papers

  1. Gregor, R., Bogado, B., Balsevich, J., Saito, M. “Optimal Recursive Rotor Current Estimation Applied to Speed Control of Dual Three-Phase Induction Machine. III International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives. May 11-13, 2011, Torremolinos (Málaga), Spain.
  2. Gregor, R., Balsevich, J., Bogado, B. Reduced-Order Observer for Rotor Current Estimation in Speed Control of Dual-three Phase Induction Machine. III International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives. May 11-13, 2011, Torremolinos (Málaga), Spain.


  1. Premio del la Industrial Electronics Society otorgado al mejor artículo científico de investigación publicado en el año 2009 en la prestigiosa revista internacional IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. A proof of concept study of predictive current control for VSI driven asymmetrical dual three–phase AC machines”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 56, Issue 6, June 2009 Page(s):1937-1954.

Journal Papers

  1. Gregor, R., Barrero, F., Arahal, M.R., Toral, S., Duran, M.J., Prieto, J., Mora, J.L. Predictive-space vector PWM current control method for asymmetrical dual three-phase induction motor drives. IET Electric Power Applications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2010 Page(s): 26 – 34.


  1. Raúl Igmar Gregor Recalde. Aportaciones al control de corriente de máquinas de inducción de seis fases con doble devanado trifásico independiente y asimétrico. ISBN.: 978-84-693-3095-1.

National Conference

  1. R. Gregor, Análisis y evaluación de accionamientos multifásicos orientado a la generación de energía eléctrica basada en fuentes potenciales de energías renovables en Paraguay. Seminario: Nuevas Oportunidades de Desarrollo en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en Paraguay, Diciembre, 2010.
  2. R. Gregor, Un Estudio de Concepto del Control Predictivo de Corriente aplicado a la Máquina de Inducción de Seis Fases. WorkShop FIUNA “Uniendo a la Universidad con la Sociedad: El camino para el Desarrollo”, FIUNA 2010. Exposición de posters.
  3. R. Gregor, El Control Predictivo-SVPWM aplicado a la Máquina de Inducción de Doble Devanado Trifásico Independiente y Asimétrico. WorkShop FIUNA “Uniendo a la Universidad con la Sociedad: El camino para el Desarrollo”, FIUNA 2010. Exposición de posters.
  4. R. Gregor, Impacto de la Saturación Magnética en el Modelo Predictivo de la Máquina de Seis Fases Asimétrica. Un Análisis de Sensibilidad. WorkShop FIUNA “Uniendo a la Universidad con la Sociedad: El camino para el Desarrollo”, FIUNA 2010. Exposición de posters.
  5. R. Gregor, Identificación de Patentes, mediante Procesamiento Digital de Imágenes. Una aplicación de las Redes Neuronales. WorkShop FIUNA “Uniendo a la Universidad con la Sociedad: El camino para el Desarrollo”, FIUNA 2010. Exposición de posters.

Journal Papers

  1. F. Barrero, M.R. Arahal, R. Gregor, S. Toral, M.J. Duran. “A proof of concept study of predictive current control for VSI driven asymmetrical dual three–phase AC machines”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 56, Issue 6, June 2009 Page(s):1937-1954.
  2. M.R. Arahal, F. Barrero, S. Toral, M.J. Duran, R. Gregor. “Multi-phase current control using finite-state model-predictive control”. Control Engineering Practice, Volume 17, Issue 5, May 2009, Pages 579-587.
  3. F. Barrero, M.R. Arahal, R. Gregor, S. Toral, M.J. Duran. “One–step Modulation Predictive Current Control Method for the Asymmetrical Dual–three phase Induction Machine”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 56, Issue 6, June 2009 Page(s):1974 – 1983.

Conference Papers

  1. R. Gregor, F. Barrero, S. Toral, M.R Arahal, J. Prieto, M.J. Duran. Enhanced Predictive Current Control Method for Asymmetrical Dual–three phase Induction Machine. Electric Machines and Drives Conference, 2009. IEMDC ’09. IEEE International. 3-6 May 2009 Page(s):265 – 272.

Conference Papers

  1. R.Gregor, F.Barrero, M. Duran, M. R. Arahal, S. Toral. “Model Based Predictive Current Control of an Asynchronous Six-Phase Motor Drive”. International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality, Icrepq’08. Santander, España. Actas Congreso. Pag. 1-5.
  2. R. Gregor, F. Barrero, S. Toral, M. Duran. “Realization of an Asynchronous Six-Phase Induction Motor Drive Test-Rig”. International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality, Icrepq’08. Santander, España. Actas Congreso. Pag. 1-6.
  3. M. Duran, F. Barrero, S. Toral, M. R. Arahal, R. Gregor, R. Marfil. Multi-Phase Generators Viability for Offshore Wind Farms With Hvdc Transmission. International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality, Icrepq’08. Santander, España. Actas Congreso. Pag. 1-6.

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